American Seafoods’ directors, officers, and employees will always endeavor to act in an ethical manner. Acting responsibly underlies the way American Seafoods conducts business every day. Our guiding principles mandate fostering consistent, fair, and high ethical standards of behavior. More specifically, we have a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics that applies to all of our directors, officers, and employees, each of whom is required to sign an acknowledgment form indicating their agreement to comply with the code.
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Report Violations of Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
Our board of managers has established procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints or concerns by employees or individuals outside of the company regarding violations of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, including accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters at American Seafoods. A person with such a complaint or concern should promptly report the complaint or concern in writing to the company’s board of managers at the following address:
Accounting Concerns
Board of Managers
American Seafoods
2025 First Avenue, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98121
You can report your complaints or concerns anonymously and confidentially. The board of managers encourages you to supply contact information with your submission to facilitate clarification and any assistance with possible investigation. All complaints or concerns will be forwarded directly to the chairman of the board of managers for review. The board of managers will maintain the confidentiality and anonymity of persons making complaints or expressing concerns to the fullest extent reasonably practicable within the legitimate needs of the law and any ensuing evaluation or investigation.
To assist the board of managers in reviewing and, if necessary, investigating your complaints or concerns, you should provide as much factual, rather than speculative, information as possible. To the extent possible, you should include the following information in your submission:
The alleged event, matter, or issue that is the subject of the complaint or concern;
The name of each person involved;
If the complaint or concern involves a specific event or events, the approximate date and location of each event;
Any additional information, documentation, or other evidence available to support the complaint or concern.